Listen to the Holy Quran recited by Abdul Rashid Ali Sufi

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Biography of Abdul Rashid Ali Sufi

The Sheikh was born in Somalia in 1964.
His father is the Alim (Sheikh) Ali Ibn Abd Arrahmane Suffi (The moufti of Somalia). He was the first one who brought the science of Tajwid in Somalia.

He finished the Koran learning by the age of ten, then he handled the Tajwid science according to Hafs An Aasim’s version thanks to his mother.

He studies his father’s science; Nahw and Fiqh Shaffiîh.

Later on, he went to Egypte to study the Qiraât sciences at Qiraât Institute. He became then a professor of the holy Koran science at Al Azhar Islamic University. In 1991, He went to Qatar to work in the Muslim cult minister. Indeed, he became Imam and priest at Jamiê Ans Ibn Malikâ Dawha.

He took part in several Dourouss and conferences in Europe.

Comments on Abdul Rashid Ali Sufi

  • He is a very great Quran reciter. Specially in Different Riwayaat. Allah Subhanaho Taala may increases his skills.
    Zia PCM - 21 Mai 2016
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Abdul Rashid Ali Sufi
Abdul Rashid Ali Sufi Somalia